My year-long POTC journey -
my one-block-a-week-this-year goal
is nearing the end.
I only have a few blocks left to make for my
Lucy Boston -
Patchwork Of The Crosses quilt!!
And if I haven't miscounted in my block-making,
I should be finished in mid January!
I think I only need the following blocks:
- two blocks for the last weeks of November
- four blocks for the four weeks of December
- two more blocks for the beginning of January.
So a little addition to the stash was in order to finish the blocks!
Of course, while retreating in Shipshewana,
I visited all the local quilt shops.
(You would too, wouldn't you?)
And I picked up a few (mostly) fat quarters
(specifically for POTC) at each shop.
See this picture?:
pinks, corals, some greens and browns
for my Lucy - POTC |
AND this picture?:
blues, with a little coordinating brown
for my Lucy - POTC |
That seems like it should be plenty to
make only eight more blocks, don't you think?
I continued unpacking my retreat 'stuff'...
digging deeper into my travel project bag,
and what do you think I found???
MORE fabric that I had purchased for my POTC!:
So, see THIS picture?:
more blues, pinks and corals...
yes, I liked the pretty blue stripe/scallop (top, right)
so much that I purchased it twice!
All for my Lucy - POTC |
mulberries, greens and some great blue stripes
All for my Lucy - POTC |
The four pictures above,
show my addition of stash fabric.
From Shipshewana, Indiana...
to Lucy Boston, Patchwork of the Crosses.
IF each of these pieces was only a quarter yard
they'd add up to 15 - yes, FIFTEEN yards!!!
Guess I now have enough to finish those 8 blocks,
don't you think? :)