Were talkin' gingerbread, here...
so when you have 22 people
who want to make gingerbread houses
all at the same time,
it isn't really, truly gingerbread.
I'd be baking gingerbread for weeeeeeks in advance.
And I'm not that crazy -
Instead, we start with some type of "foundation"-
the guys/aka contractors build "houses" -
"building" = cardboard and tape guns and scissors and knives
on the butcher block in the kitchen...
Here's a peek at the back of some "construction":
The "contractors" fulfill special requests -
real architectural stuff here, don't you know.
You can request a barn and silo and you'll get a reasonable facsimile.
There are also inspirational questionable pieces built...
the kind where you get the basic shape given to you
and you have to come up with something...
to make this box house foundation work.
Anyway, then there are
the "decorators" or "designers" ...
(there was a true-life
interior designer this year-more on that later)
singles and pairs...
they are given icing bags and
a plethora of construction materials
and start to shingle and side and install windows and
do some landscaping
and work in some blue sugar water features...
you know, the regular gingerbread/construction stuff.