major computer crash.
My computer geek (thanks Pat)
saved some of my documents and photos,
but a whole bunch of everything is long gone.
And I just need to decide
if I'm going to get a new desktop or new laptop.
Major decision. And been too busy to go do some shopping/deciding...
so back to the So...
not a whole lot of blogi-ness going on around here
as what I have to work with computer-wise
is very slow and very frustrating!!
Good News:
I did get the new issue of
PQ&P magazine last week...
And, OMGoodness!
I think I need to make everything in it this time!!!
So what did I do?
Started TWO! :)

OK, Maybe three
if you count the same project
in two different colors :)
The top one - "Merry Winter's Night"
(by Cheri Payne),
I've hand-quilted and it's ready for
a great plaid binding on the bias.
And on those two cute "Slim, the Snowman"
(Rhonda McCray/Farmhouse Threads)
I used my Sashiko machine and did
straight-line quilting at
one inch intervals like the pattern/sample showed.
I also have been working on a couple of
big quilt finishes
for the Local Quilt Shop
so they could go to
a vending show with the shop this past weekend.
I'll try to get those to post tomorrow.
Computers - gotta love 'em, don't you?