Quilting...half crazy! That's me. Machine Quilting, hand embroidery and redwork, pattern design, and other domestic arts that include baking and cooking!
Have I ever mentioned that I love my job? Earning a living, being creative and doing something I love, all at the same time! The job that isn't really a job is that I get to quilt over the most adorable fabric creations, ever! This past week I did a couple more 'jobs'... fun times with fabric and threads!!! The first one to share is an adorable quilt for a baby arriving soon, from her Great-grandma Louise!
With the sweetest hand embroidered roses throughout:
Next, I got to meander over this one:
Almost king-sized, for a son from his momma, Jackie!
It was made of flannels and oh, so soft. I also worked on some of my own creations, and I'll share those at a later date. The sun is shining and the humidity is relatively low, so I'm heading to the pool with the grand-kiddos! Hope your weekend is wonderful!
Well, I did it... joined in another Sew Along! I have SOOOOOO many quilt projects that I've already started. And twice that many more that I'd like to get to Someday. But, when I saw all the fun that my quilter friends were getting into with the Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL I dropped ahem, maybe a few things, and joined right in! lol On June 6th, I saw that Lori (Humble Quilts blog) posted a link-y page for everyone that had wanted to join in the Gwen Marston Inspired Sew Along. The link-y page is to share the Basket Blocks that had been made. At that time there were only 5 or 6 people that had a finished block for their quilt center. I visited each of those blogger's posts and kept thinking I Don't Need Another Project. I DON'T Need Another Project! Famous last words... The next day - the 7th, I grabbed scraps and join in for the fun!!!
Scissors, scraps, applique pins, needle and thread, and four days later I have THIS:
I scissor cut everything freehand. Needle-turned the applique, and perfectly imperfect! I love it!!! It is Gwennie inspired!
Like others that have joined in on this, I've known of Gwen from magazine articles that she contributed to Lady's Circle Patchwork (1980's I believe); also from her great quilt books and quilt
pictures, but I'd never met her in person. Since she's been such an
inspiration to my quilting life, and I've also been inspired by Lori, Cynthia, Cathy, Katy, and Wendy - the gals that came up with this GREAT Sew Along, I decided, I guess I DO NEED to start another project... Then I saw this picture on Wendy's blog:
Clinched it! It's Totally me!!! The next 'round' for the medallion basket is 'Childhood Memories', chosen by Cynthia! More fun to share the beginning of July!
I've been doing some hand-embroidery - well, really, it all started with working on some UFOs...UnFinished Objects. Maybe the nicer sounding term would be WISP - Works in Slow Progress, as these projects of mine have been in progress for years. Years ago (yes, it's really been years!!!),I started stitchingthe blocks for theGardener's Alphabet(a Crabapple Hill pattern). Recently I pulled out the basket of blocks from beside my Lazy Girl stitching chair, and instead of just looking at them and putting it right back in,I actually did some stitching!
I've heard from people that don't quilt or hand-stitch that they think it's weird that I have so many long-going projects. But, for me, and I've also heard from other quilters, it's just the norm. It's nice to be able to pick up a block and work on it for a while, then switch to another project and stitch on that for a bit.
OR, it's an attention deficit thing and I'm totally in denial. lol Anyway, here are the last few blocks from The Gardener's Alphabet that I'vehand-embroidered...(the crayon coloring was also done years ago). Carrots:
Dicentra aka Bleeding Hearts:
I'd like to hear from other hand-stitchers and quilters - Do you also have a slew of UFOs in progress? And, if like me, you also like the kinder and gentler acronym WISP just a little better. :)
Happy Monday!! Hope you have some stitching time this week!
Here's another baby quilt that I didn't get shared in the last couple of months (when I was having blog-access-troubles).
Well, actually, it was TWO baby quilts that I was able to meander over... But since the two were exactly the same, I guess I didn't think I needed a picture of BOTH of them. LOL So here's a picture of the ONE that I did photograph!!: THE cutest little Owl families!!!
Just adorable fabric! and wonderful piecing by Janet, too!
I've also been working on a couple of commission quilts - so no sharing those right now... One for an June anniversary gift, and the second for a wedding in August. Such fun sewing and quilting! And a little pool-side fun with the Grands, thrown in also!
June already!!!! I so enjoy my flowers and garden, and this time, I was able to get some pictures before the heavy rainstorm came in and beat them to the ground. Poppies for Memorial Day...
Peonies, aka Ant Flowers, as we called them growing up...
And one of my favorites, Columbine...
I've also been stitching on one of my WISP projects - Work In Slow Progress - also flowers - Dicentra, the Bleeding Heart:
With the stormy, cloudy weather, it was difficult to get good lighting, though.
Hope your June is wonderful and as beautiful as the flowers have been!!
born in a house on the hill in Galena, central Ohio, United States
random thoughts about family, quilting, stitching & designing, cooking and things that make life interesting! I married my high school sweetie and have two great children, an equally-as-great
d-i-l & three grandbabies. You'll find me playing with fabric or wood (it's a textile thing), trying new recipes and playing with my food, a little gardening, reading, making my HQFusion hum, and laughing with friends! I think that sometimes it helps to sort through your thoughts by writing them down... creativity flows, the mind calms & the body smiles. A tangled thread runs through it all...this is just my unraveling of that thread: quilting, cooking, friends, family, and whatever else may strike my fancy.