"What new thing have you learned this year??? That was the question that I asked you to leave a comment about. This is in regards to my out loud promise to my GGB. There are soooo many things that you and I have learned this year - hand-stitching blackwork, machine applique two different ways (yes, that counts as two!), quilting outside the "box", being a grandma, trusting your own instincts, that blogging can be hard but exciting, teaching driving to a 16 year old, delivering kid goats, and pivoting a horse.
For inquiring minds: the thing that I learned that I couldn't learn, no matter how hard I tried, was playing the harmonica. But...I will keep trying. It might not be pretty, but I will continue to try! he he he, sorry sweetie!
Thanks for all of your comments. It was nice to see all the different things that we are learning!
And the WINNER is: drumroll please.....
Jennifer said... Hi Debra, great post! This year, I have learned to do machine applique in two ways (does that count as two things?) and also to trust my instincts when it comes to online friends...in many ways, you are what you blog...happy people usually blog happy things and the opposite is probably also true!
So, congratulations, Jennifer - email me your mailing address and I'll get this in the mail a.s.a.p.
And now a new product review:
I played with a new gadget recently: http://quickpointsruler.blogspot.com/ The prairie point/ric rac cutter. When I first heard of it at market, "they" were calling it a "ric rac cutter". And I thought - "why would I ever need to cut fabric in the shape of ric rac and then finish all those edges????"
So, a gadget-y friend and I tried it out. We used the one that is about 35 inched long and 8 inches wide and makes prairie points that are 2 inches long. Result?: pretty easy to use, kind of weird cutting into the fabric strip with the rotary cutter. You still have to cut into the fabric a little more with scissors, but easy to fold the points and iron. And seems to make prairie point making go pretty fast!
What do you think? Orange or green prairie points? Maybe alternating orange and green?
I am leaning on putting them on as an outside border, facing out. Let me know what you think.
Now, back to quilting!
Thanks again for all the blog love.
Hope your day is going quiltingly! Or grandma-ly, or pivot-ly, or appliqueing-ly. Oh, you understand - all the new things you have learned-ly!
11 hours ago
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