Lizard Litter. Lizard Litter. Lizard Litter.
Ok, enough of that, but it is fun to say.
Lizard Litter is crushed walnut shells that is used as, well,
litter for lizzards, other reptiles and I guess some birds, too.
(It's in the pet litter section at discount or pet stores.)
If you haven't tried it for pin-cushion filler, then you need to. It's much cleaner than sand, isn't as fine as sand, so doesn't sift through the fabric, and makes a nice, dense filler that's just the right weight to keep your cushion where you put it. (Oh, it's also good to have on hand in your car emergency kit to use to sprinkle as traction in this nice weather we are having!).
Now that I am ready for the teaching part of this retreat,
I should gather up my stuff for the project on which I will be working.
I have a plethora of 'started project' choices.
I also have a plethora of 'new ideas' choices
that I know I shouldn't start
but would really like to.
I think that I have the plethora narrowed down to just a handful.
The one that's in the lead is the wedding gift
that needs to leave the house,
completely finished,
by March 6th.
Yeah, I really should just take that one!
So wish me luck with the travel to the retreat.
There's supposed to be another big "snow event"
(yes, that's what the weathermen are calling it)
heading our way for the weekend.
I definately would rather be snowed in in my home,
than out somewhere four and a half hours west of here!
Quilting projects or not!
***thisHeart pattern was a freebie from a local quilt shop that has been gone for many, many years. The pattern was much larger, maybe pillow size, but I decreased it and used it for teaching purposes. I don't know where the original pattern came from, but I think it may have been with a fabric line. I know there was a pattern in The Quilt Maker magazine a couple of years ago that was very similar.
Debbie, the heart pot holder you made for me I treasure. However, I do not use it and don't plan on putting this pieced fabric into service. Only for display. It is just too beautiful. I can tell by your posts that you are very caring and giving person. I have figured out that the reason I write is exactly the reason you piece fabrics together to make a total unique picture of what is in your heart. Kindred spirits. Drive safe to your session in Indiana. Sherry