First thing: Farmer's Wife Sampler Block Quilt.
If you haven't heard about this great book, here's the scoop:
In 1922, The Farmer's Wife magazine posed this question to their readers:
"If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you allow her to marry a farmer?"
The question was answered by MANY folks and the letters were recently put into book form along with 110 six-inch block patterns.
The book has a CD with templates for the block pieces, and instructions for 4 different sizes of quilts.
I think I want to do about 6 to 10 blocks a month starting this month. I have a friend that wants to do the same. There are a couple of classes offered at the LQS, but I can't make either of the classes for the first four months. And, I don't need the class, really, just the motivation and accountability of doing it with a group. Yeah, accountability to continue through all 110 blocks. So, not really a very organized thing, with rules and such, just a blog picture sharing at the end of each month.
I am very interested in doing this quilt.
Anyone else out there interested also??????
What do you think? Any takers??? Let me know; I'm looking forward to getting going.
Secondly: A sew-in.
This Saturday, I am going to sew. Sew all day. I am going to make baby quilts ALL DAY. I have waaaay too many baby quilt gifts on my list.
There, now I have said it out loud.
I have put it out there, and it will happen.
Join me in this also, if you'd like.
Choose a day and chain yourself to your sewing area, leaving only to refresh (you know, food, drink, restroom breaks).
No laundry, no grocery trips, no errands, no Wii Fit or treadmill, no gourmet cooking.
NO blog-a-gagging, just plain ol' sewing.
Pre-pack your lunch.
Only leave your sewing area to refill your water glass, get your sack lunch, and put on your lipstick (naked lips are bad for morale-- you know they are (naked lips are a post of their own), but if you don't use lipstick, use chapstick)!
Move your ironing board away from your sewing machine (this is your stretching time), put on your favorite music, and get your groove on.
OR, invite a friend to sew-in with you and tag team sew.
I am going to tag team sew.
We will cut together, sew together, press together, eat together, share and laugh together.
Again, it may be the accountability I need.
14 hours ago
I have made several of the Farmers Wife blocks. Some are very easy to draft without printing the templates from the disc. I, too, hope to make 10 per month in the hopes of completing the project this year. A great way to use you scraps.